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Company Values

100% Made in France


A desire to pay tribute to the great masters of painting


Respect for the consumers and the environment thanks to a demanding selection of high quality raw materials and “clean” production processes.



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Andréa Berger,

Founder of Les Fleurs de l'Art 

The story

The story began while the founder was still a high school student at the Lycée Claude Monet in Paris. Working toward part of the Baccalaureate degree requirements and being passionate about art and painting, she imagined and painted a perfume celebrating Claude Monet’s Nymphéas.


Convinced of the merit of bringing art and fragrance together into the world of emotion and sensitivity, she then chose a curriculum in biochemistry followed by one in management at “Sciences Po Paris” in order to create her business and thus give life to her initial idea, 7 years later.


Les Fleurs de l'Art brand was created in 2019. Driven by the desire to bring meaning and authenticity to perfume, Andréa has high hopes that in the future her company will be able to carry out cultural sponsorship activities.

In 2021, a first charity initiative with the Musée d'Orsay led to the acquisition of a new painting from the painter O'Conor.



Each perfume is the result of an in-depth artistic analysis conducted in partnership with the Maelstrom laboratory and Marie Schnirer to give birth to an accurate and faithful olfactory accord. 

In order to highlight these perfumes, and always with the objective of evoking the work of art through a consensual interpretation, the packaging box is also of great importance. With the collaboration of the Lemahieu Agency, the founder offers an artistic visual identity, with the marks of the elegance and refinement characteristic of French perfumery. In a creative logic, each collection is thought and conceived in coherence with the style of the concerned pictorial movement. Thus, the Monere collection echoes the Impressionist movement with a colourful, poetic and delicate visual universe.

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Marie Schnirer,

Maelstrom perfumer

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Our suppliers are exclusively French and seek to preserve local cultures and to limit the impact of their activity on the environment.


The fragrances are made in the Domaine de Sainte Blanche, created in 1946 by Edmond ROUDNITSKA, figurehead of 20th century perfumery. Nestled on the heights of Grasse, this 10-hectare park offers the perfect combination of hand-crafted know-how, cutting-edge technology and concern for the preservation of the environment.


The bottles are signed by Pochet du Courval, a flagship of French glassware, and decorated with a silkscreen design in pure gold. The boxes are made in Auvergne with high quality, pure cellulose cardboard, 100% recyclable, by a company certified FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) and the environment friendly printer’s label Imprim'vert.

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